Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sustainable development-Ethanol fuel in Brazil Essay Example for Free

Sustainable development-Ethanol fuel in Brazil Essay Brazil has one of the largest programs on bio-fuel world wide which involves the production of ethanol fuel from the sugarcanes. The ethanol provides an approximated 18% in the automotive fuel of the country. This has then resulted into the country being self sufficient in oil which it had to import several years ago because of the exploitation of the domestic deep water oil resources. (Steen 1994) The nature and value of global management for sustainable development The sustainable development of the ethanol fuel in Brazil involves a social ecological process that is characterized by the fulfillment of the needs of human beings while at the same time indefinitely maintaining the same quality of the natural environment. This link between the development and the environment was recognized globally in the international union for conservation of nature book that was published by the world conservation strategy. In Brazil the sustainable development of the ethanol fuel does not only focus on the environmental issues but it also encompasses various policies in the economic and social areas. In Brazil the government should ensure that there is environmental sustainability in the production of the ethanol fuel so as to ensure that the environment further continues to function properly and also indefinitely. (Steen 1994) This will further involve meeting the needs of the Brazilians without endangering the future generation’s welfare. If the country of Brazil purposes to maintain the environmental sustainability in the production of the ethanol fuel then this will eliminate the environmental degradation of ethanol sources in the country. On the other hand sustainability of the ethanol fuel in Brazil requires that the human activities use only the natural resources at a rate at which they can naturally be replenished. If the consumption and the renewable resources are less than the nature’s ability to replenish then there will be environmental renewal which will further lead to a sustainable development. But if on the other hand the consumption of the renewable resources is more than the natures’ ability to replenish then there will be environmental degradation and the development will not be sustainable. The key stakeholders and partners of the sustainable development of ethanol in brazil includes the Brazilian government, the consumers and sugar farmers, the Brazilian citizens, the producers of ethanol and also the car manufacturers and retailers of the bio-ethanol fuelled cars. The relevant issues in the sustainability of the ethanol development in Brazil involve the control measures which have been derived from the Montreal protocol and also the phasing out of the leaded gasoline in the country. The bio-ethanol in the country of Brazil has been used as a liquid fuel in the commercial sector for a long time and the Brazilian government has taken the initiative of promoting the bio-ethanol through a program known as pro alcohol in the 1970s. The Brazilian federal government also gave subsidies to the farmers and also maintained low price and this was aimed at absorbing the energy production constant surplus while at the same time preventing the country from being dependent on the foreighn oil imports. (Steen 1994) In the recent past brazil there has been escalating oil prices and the government of brazil has refocused on the bio-ethanol fuel and also the flexi fuel cars in search for the cleaner and also renewable energies. The consumers can fuel their vehicles by ethanol. In maintaining a sustainable development of ethanol in Brazil the government has laid down some policy options which include; 1. By promoting the use of the bio-ethanol and fuel flex cars which are more environmental friendly than the petroleum products. 2. y ensuring that the fuel flexi cars are affordable to most people in brazil 3. by ensuring that the bio-ethanol and bio-fuels are readily available at the regular filling stations 4. by subsidizing the bio-ethanol price and making it more attractive to the consumers 5. by promoting the sugar production through the subsidies 6. By promoting the production of the bio-ethanol through the industry’s incentives and also subsidies. The ethanol alternative in Brazil is ready to create jobs and also contribute to the sustainable rural development. Globalization of the economic activities on the other hand eliminates the employment opportunities especially in the countryside and this marginalizes the poor Brazilians from the productive resources. (Daly and Amana 1981) In Brazil ethanol highly relies on the bio-mass cultivation such as sugarcane and it is coupled with a system of processing facilities that is decentralized providing more human sustainable development opportunities. The increase 0f ethanol production in Brazil promises to alleviate partially the neo-liberal economic reform outcome. Humphrey and Buttel 1982) The Brazilian government however needs to realize the economic and social economic development goals in sustaining the affordable and sustainable forms of energy such as ethanol since it is the most important key driver for the modern economic development. Based on the sustainable development concept, the reliance of Brazil on the petroleum fuel imports as a major commercial fuel in the country is unsustainable both in the long and short term. However the use of ethanol could be a sustainable solution in the long run with the potential to create an economic growth as well improve the living standards of the Brazilians and also reduce the environmental degradation. The use of ethanol in Brazil could however lead to the decline of the environmental quality and this will reduce its sustainability but with better control measures and also technological improvement such problems could be prevented. The influence of global sustainable development research on the future managerial decision making The research on the global sustainable development would highly influence the managerial decision making process in the following ways. First and foremost most decisions which will be made will significantly be based on protecting the environment as well as requiring lower inputs. (Costanza 1980) Secondly the decisions made will be based on strategies that will help in dealing with the emerging food fuel battles. Similarly the major decisions made will focus on the carbon dioxide emissions and its positive effects in reducing the global warming. The consumption of the fossil fuels as a major source of carbon dioxide loading in the atmosphere and also the development of any other fuel source greatly reduces this loading and this is a very desirable effect. The decision makers will also implement policies that are environmentally conscious on ethanol’s environmental drawbacks. The decisions will also focus on the strategic co-operation which can then make ethanol a pragmatic and partial solution to the many energy security related problems as well as the climate and the rural; development control world wide. The research on the global sustainable development will help the managers make informed decisions on the use of ethanol as a fuel source and the economical impacts encountered from its dependence. The decision makers will also be able to comprehend the impact of ethanol based on the three sustainable development spheres that comprise of the economic, social and also environmental dimensions. Similarly the research will enable the decision makers understand the role that is played by ethanol as a very useful tool in reducing the emissions on the greenhouse emissions and also in lessening the human and the environmental costs on petroleum dependency. (Capello and Naskapi 1999) Conclusion In conclusion since ethanol has been classified as a renewable form of energy it has made its production and its use sustainable in both the short and long term effects and this will further help its use meet the needs of both the future and the present generations.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

NAFTA and Maquiladoras Essay -- Essays Papers

NAFTA and Maquiladoras The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which became effective on January 1, 1994, is a comprehensive, rules-based agreement designed to promote â€Å"free-trade† among the United States, Mexico and Canada (NAFTA Forum,1998). Although the agreement was made between three countries, it was largely the inclusion of Mexico around which most of the oppositional debate was centered (Mayer, 1998). Canada is a modern, developed nation very similar in culture and economy to the United States. Mexico, however, is considered a developing nation with an economy much weaker than the United States. Still, a prior trade agreement did exist between the United States and Mexico. Therefore, in order to properly evaluate NAFTA, we must also take into account that prior trade agreement, the Border Industrialization Program (BIP) of 1965. The increase in maquiladoras on the U.S.-Mexico border, and its inherent problems, is a direct result of the BIP (Blank & Haar, 1998). The over all impact of the BIP on the U.S.-Mexico border and the maquiladora industry has been manifold, resulting in increases in maquiladoras, border population, environmental pollution and human social and health concerns. It is also important to recognize that prior to ratification of NAFTA, the Clinton Administration demanded, under pressure by environmental and labor groups, the attachment of two side agreements concerning labor and the environment. Although still too early to tell, NAFTA appears to be amending some of the inherent problems which exist along the U.S.-Mexico border. Opposition to NAFTA must be placed in some historical context. During the 1980’s many American manufacturing jobs were being exported to Mexican maquilad... ... Legal Issues. Available at: Viewed on 3/19/99. 8. Environment. 1998. United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce. Viewed on 2/27/99. 9. NAFTA Partners Approaching Agreement on Transboundary Environmental Impact Assesment. 1999. Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Available at: 10. McGuiness, Michael J. 1998. The Landscape of Labor Law Enforcement in North America: An Examination of Mexico’s Labor Regulatory Policy and Practice. Law and Policy in International Business. 11. Sweatshop Watch. 1998. U.S. Labor Department Review Finds Sex Bias at Border Plants in Mexico. Available at: Viewed on 3/27/99.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Bewitching of Anne Gunter

The Bewitching of Anne Gunter details the life of a young girl who claimed to be possessed by witches. She was not in fact possessed, and according to her at her trial, her father forced her to act as she was. Her father Brian Gunter had a long history of problems with one of the women who was accused, Elizabeth Gregory. The other women Agnes Pepwell was chosen because she was rumored to be a witch, and it would add credibility to the accusation. The problem between Brian Gunter and Elizabeth Gregory began at a football match in the town of North Moreton. It was a form of what is now called soccer, but was much rougher. It was many times viewed as just an excuse for two villages to get in a huge brawl. People were known to die from injuries related to this extreme form of physical activity. It was very hard to reconstruct what happened on the day of the football match in North Moreton. Brian Gunter was a spectator and two of Elizabeth Gregory's sons were playing in the game. A fight broke out between two men, one of them a Gregory. Gunter got in the middle of it and tried to break it up, at this point Richard Gregory and his brother John turned on Gunter. In the middle of the melee Gunter pulled out his dagger and killed both brothers. The Gregory's tried to get Gunter tried for murder, but it never came to trial, possibly because Gunter was powerful in his area. The bad blood between the two families now existed, setting the stage for Anne Gunter to accuse Elizabeth Gregory of witchcraft. Anne Gunter first had symptoms of hysteria in the summer of 1604. It was not thought to be demonic, until months later when the fits became significantly worse. The Gunter's had people come in and look at Anne, and in time she was diagnosed by many with being possessed. The actions that Anne Gunter testified too, as to come of as being possessed are extremely disturbing. Her father read the Warboy's book on witchcraft and made her imitate many of the signs of being a witch. She was drugged, to induce vomit and also was given drugs to quell pain. She was given a green mixture, which would throw her into deep rages then a very strong dullness. During the dullness when visitors were there pins were stuck into her body to show her lack of feeling. This was a sign to show that she was possessed. When the visitors would leave she could not life her arms and the pain would be unbearable. Anne testified that she have even stronger fits of torture when the accused would come near the house. She would be told they were near and act accordingly. It was a very detailed operation involving Brian Ginter's sister and her husband. Anne would be given pins to vomit and sneeze due to the fact that letting go of foreign objects out of your body was a strong sign of being afflicted. She claims she put herself through all these horrible things because she was afraid of her father and he always threatened her, although it might have something to do with her craving attention. The family also sent for good witches who could help cure the affliction. This helped fro awhile, but Anne became bewitched again and the symptoms started up again. The family also tried a number of remedies that were popular at the time. The family burned Elizabeth Gregory's hair in an attempt to help Anne recover, also moving her to different places, but nothing provided permanent relief. It is hard to give one reason why witchcraft became so prevalent during this time period. Reasons that have been given are the reformation, and Catholics trying to counter that reformation. It can also be seen as Christianity still trying to root out traditional beliefs of people, which included magic and mysticism. It was also not like society just had witchcraft, as a strange belief. It was part of a much wider belief in ghosts, fairies, fortune telling and astrology. The reformation had helped create a new focus on the devil and all his works and this also added to the witchcraft craze. It is also amazing how people of the time would go along with the person being a witch. They in turn would make up things about the accused witch, like they say Agnes Pepwell turn a cat into a black rat. Witchcraft gave people the ability to blame things on other people and to harm them considerably. It can be compared to being accused of rape, even if you didn't do it and are proved innocent, you will still have that stigma attached to you. It was many times pure bad luck that you were accused and the consequences could be deadly. After the trial of Anne Gunter, witchcraft trials were less frequent then in other parts of Europe. Convictions were also more rare then in other countries. One reason was the alleged witches were tried by the assize courts. The judges in these courts were senior judges who were high up in the social hierarchy of England. They were not allowed to be from the area they were trying so they were distanced from the local issues and bias. In many parts of Europe the trials were presided over by local courts and judges who brought their own biases and thoughts into the trial. The English courts also differed in the fact that they did not use torture as a means of bringing out confessions, where in other places witches would confess, due to the pain inflicted. The end result for the Gunter's is hard to definitively answer. Brian Gunter was brought before the Star Chamber not to face the charges of fabricating the witchcraft of his daughter but to answer to an assault charge years later. He died in 1628 with no mention of Anne in his will. Anne was most likely married, but it is hard to say to exactly who. One possibility is a man with the surname Ashely, or another man John Hartgill. The records of the times are very hard to interpret and if she did indeed marry Hartgill she would have been 16 years his senior, which would have been extremely rare even today. The historian who researched this book had to go to great lengths to gather information. He had to put together bits and pieces of historical accounts for everything to come together. The book does a good job of showing you how witches were treated in England and to what lengths people would go to, to accuse someone else. The author used church records, court records, and personal diaries, all first hand accounts. He then used historical background to help put everything together for the reader. What the village was like, the population and how trials were done. The book showed how easily people could be accused of witchcraft and it also shows the mob mentality that existed in this time period. One thing that is really disturbing is the lack of conscience shown by people. The people who accused the women of witchcraft, obviously new it wasn't true, yet Anne Gunter showed no remorse for putting these women through this harrowing experience. Her only concern when confessing was of her own pain. One of the problems with this book is the fact that the historian many times did not have much to work with. He in turn would interpret a document to the best of his ability. Many times this would end up being a conjecture, and not a sure fact. History many times has to be looked at like that, but many of his inferences may have been off. There was almost a shadow of doubt over every part of the book. One thing that is interesting is that how high profile this case was. The King became involved, and the case received a lot of attention. That shows that even with all the publicity how hard it was to reconstruct this case. It would be even harder to ever show what happened in other cases, with less prominent members of society involved.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Desayunar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation and Examples

The Spanish verb  desayunar  means to eat breakfast. It is a regular -ar  verb like  necesitar  and ayudar. The tables below include the conjugations for  desayunar  in the present, past and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms. Using the Verb Desayunar The verb desayunar is formed with the prefix  des-,  which implies negation, like  the English prefix dis-, and the word ayunar,  which means to fast. Therefore,  desayunar is similar to the English word  breakfast,  which implies breaking the fast.   Other verbs like  desayunar  are  almorzar,  which means to eat lunch, and cenar, which means to eat dinner. Unlike in English, for these actions in Spanish there is no need to use the verb to eat, since the verbs themselves already mean to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner.   You can use the verb  desayunar  whenever you would say to eat breakfast or have breakfast in English. It can be used to talk about when, where, or with whom you eat breakfast, as in  Me gusta desayunar temprano  (I like to eat breakfast early) or  Ella siempre desayuna con su madre  (She always eats breakfast with her mother), and it can be used to talk about what you eat for breakfast, as in  Tà º desayunas cereal  (You eat cereal for breakfast). Desayunar Present Indicative Yo desayuno I eat breakfast Yo desayuno antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunas You eat breakfast T desayunas huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayuna You/he/she eats breakfast Ella desayuna con su familia. Nosotros desayunamos We eat breakfast Nosotros desayunamos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunis You eat breakfast Vosotros desayunis en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunan You/they eat breakfast Ellos desayunan cereal con leche. Desayunar Preterite  Indicative The two past tense forms in Spanish are the  preterite  and the  imperfect. Use the preterite when talking about actions that were completed in the past. Yo desayun I ate breakfast Yo desayun antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunaste You ate breakfast T desayunaste huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayun You/he/she ate breakfast Ella desayun con su familia. Nosotros desayunamos We ate breakfast Nosotros desayunamos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunasteis You ate breakfast Vosotros desayunasteis en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaron You/they ate breakfast Ellos desayunaron cereal con leche. Desayunar Imperfect  Indicative The imperfect tense can be translated to English as was eating breakfast or used to eat breakfast.  You should use it to talk about ongoing actions in the past. Yo desayunaba I used to eat breakfast Yo desayunaba antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunabas You used to eat breakfast T desayunabas huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayunaba You/he/she used to eat breakfast Ella desayunaba con su familia. Nosotros desayunbamos We used to eat breakfast Nosotros desayunbamos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunabais You used to eat breakfast Vosotros desayunabais en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaban You/they used to eat breakfast Ellos desayunaban cereal con leche. Desayunar Future  Indicative Yo desayunar I will eat breakfast Yo desayunar antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunars You will eat breakfast T desayunars huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayunar You/he/she will eat breakfast Ella desayunar con su familia. Nosotros desayunaremos We will eat breakfast Nosotros desayunaremos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunaris You will eat breakfast Vosotros desayunaris en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunarn You/they will eat breakfast Ellos desayunarn cereal con leche. Desayunar Periphrastic Future Yo voy a desayunar I am going to eat breakfast Yo voy a desayunar antes de ir al trabajo. T vas a desayunar You are going to eat breakfast T vas a desayunar huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella va a desayunar You/he/she is going to eat breakfast Ella va a desayunar con su familia. Nosotros vamos a desayunar We are going to eat breakfast Nosotros vamos a desayunar muy temprano. Vosotros vais a desayunar You are going to eat breakfast Vosotros vais a desayunar en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a desayunar You/they are going to eat breakfast Ellos van a desayunar cereal con leche. Desayunar Conditional  Indicative Yo desayunara I would eat breakfast Yo desayunara antes de ir al trabajo. T desayunaras You would eat breakfast T desayunaras huevos con pan. Usted/l/ella desayunara You/he/she would eat breakfast Ella desayunara con su familia. Nosotros desayunaramos We would eat breakfast Nosotros desayunaramos muy temprano. Vosotros desayunarais You would eat breakfast Vosotros desayunarais en casa. Ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaran You/they would eat breakfast Ellos desayunaran cereal con leche. Desayunar Present Progressive/Gerund Form The present  participle, or gerund  of  -ar  verbs is formed with the ending -ando. It can be used to form  progressive verb forms  such as the  present progressive. Present Progressive of  Desayunar   està ¡ desayunando  She is eating breakfast   Ella està ¡ desayunando con su familia. Desayunar Past Participle The  past participle of regular  -ar  verbs is formed with the ending -ado. It can be used to form  compound tenses  like the  present perfect. Present Perfect of  Desayunar   ha desayunado  She has eaten breakfast   Ella ha desayunado con su familia.   Desayunar Present Subjunctive Que yo desayune That I eat breakfast Ana espera que yo desayune antes de ir al trabajo. Que t desayunes That you eat breakfast Pedro espera que t desayunes huevos con pan. Que usted/l/ella desayune That you/he/she eat breakfast dgar espera que ella desayune con su familia. Que nosotros desayunemos That we eat breakfast Paula espera que nosotros desayunemos muy temprano. Que vosotros desayunis That you eat breakfast Daro espera que vosotros desayunis en casa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunen That you/they eat breakfast Marla espera que ellos desayunen cereal con leche. Desayunar Imperfect  Subjunctive The  imperfect subjunctive  has two different conjugations, which are used in different Spanish-speaking regions.  Both options are equally valid. Option 1 Que yo desayunara That I ate breakfast Ana esperaba que yo desayunara antes de ir al trabajo. Que t desayunaras That you ate breakfast Pedro esperaba que t desayunaras huevos con pan. Que usted/l/ella desayunara That you/he/she ate breakfast dgar esperaba que ella desayunara con su familia. Que nosotros desayunramos That we ate breakfast Paula esperaba que nosotros desayunramos muy temprano. Que vosotros desayunarais That you ate breakfast Daro esperaba que vosotros desayunarais en casa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunaran That you/they ate breakfast Marla esperaba que ellos desayunaran cereal con leche. Option 2 Que yo desayunase That I ate breakfast Ana esperaba que yo desayunase antes de ir al trabajo. Que t desayunases That you ate breakfast Pedro esperaba que t desayunases huevos con pan. Que usted/l/ella desayunase That you/he/she ate breakfast dgar esperaba que ella desayunase con su familia. Que nosotros desayunsemos That we ate breakfast Paula esperaba que nosotros desayunsemos muy temprano. Que vosotros desayunaseis That you ate breakfast Daro esperaba que vosotros desayunaseis en casa. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas desayunasen That you/they ate breakfast Marla esperaba que ellos desayunasen cereal con leche. Desayunar Imperative   In order to give direct orders or commands, you need the  imperative  mood. Below are both the affirmative and negative commands for desayunar. Notice that there are differences between the two types of commands for the  tà ºÃ‚  and  vosotros  forms. Positive Commands T desayuna Eat breakfast! Desayuna huevos con pan! Usted desayune Eat breakfast! Desayune con su familia! Nosotros desayunemos Lets eat breakfast! Desayunemos temprano! Vosotros desayunad Eat breakfast! Desayunad en casa! Ustedes desayunen Eat breakfast! Desayunen cereal con leche! Negative Commands T no desayunes Dont eat breakfast! No desayunes huevos con pan! Usted no desayune Dont eat breakfast! No desayune con su familia! Nosotros no desayunemos Lets not eat breakfast! No desayunemos temprano! Vosotros no desayunis Dont eat breakfast! No desayunis en casa! Ustedes no desayunen Dont eat breakfast! No desayunen cereal con leche!